Steve Sreb
Steve began volunteering at Care Partners Hospice several years ago, and also worked with Four Seasons Hospice, Hospice of the Northwest, and Enso House, a small Buddhist hospice on South Whidbey Island. In addition to his work with CCLD, Steve offers a personal concierge service, HERE2HELP for aging adults and their caregivers. Services include: Companionship, health advocacy, caregiver respite, minor house cleaning, lawn care, and house repair, simple meal prep, custom juicing, running errands and shopping, house sitting, pet sitting, waiting for service providers, home office organization, simplifying (purging unneeded belongings and services), guided walks and hikes. HERE2HELP also offers a vetted referral network if more in depth services are required. All services are offered for donation only. Pay what you wish or make a donation to CCLD in lieu of payment.