Time & Location
Mar 25, 2024, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
The Light House, 82 Sanctuary Rd, Swannanoa, NC 28778, USA
About the Event
Transformational Breath® Workshops with Melinda Toney, M.D., certified TBF Facilitator and Group Leader, offer the experience of the power of a Transformational Breath® session in a small group (max. 4 participants).
Transformational Breath® Workshops with Melinda Toney, M.D., certified TBF Facilitator and Group Leader, offer the experience of the power of a Transformational Breath® session in a small group (max. 4 participants).
Transformational Breath® is a self-healing modality that promotes physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health.
Transformational Breath® promotes detox, cellular regeneration and relaxation, promotes optimal performance and healing of life’s traumas, and brings about a renewed sense of joy, peace of mind, purpose and wholeness.
For the session, dress comfortably in loose clothing. Bring two bed pillows, a blanket, a towel, and something to journal in.
This is a recurring event happening on select Mondays through May 6, 2024.
$50 per person per session. CCLD members are invited to pay what they can.
** Please pay in advance and register at the links below. **
Register here (general public): https://awakenchrysalis.as.me/?appointmentType=46677959
Register here (CCLD volunteers/members): https://awakenchrysalis.as.me/?appointmentType=54750328